Friday 24 June 2011

A Smile

Today i'm smiling, a genuine smile.  This is a rare occurence, usually the outside is smiling but the inside is waiting for someone to see through the facade.  It's very rare anyone does.  This is the circle of  my life.  I smile, and when no one sees through it, I think no one cares. Do you look at smiling people and think what is going on underneath?  No, why would you? If we all just talked, if we all just actually said how we were feeling, life would be incredibly different but probably also very boring.  I'm gonna it a go!  I'm gonna actually say what I feel (when it is appropriate that is) as opposed to actually waiting for people to guess.  I will let you know what happens....

Thursday 23 June 2011

New Day

The first time I ever read a blog, I was shocked to the core.  It was my husbands from years before and was truly soul destroying.  I didn't know what a blog contained or what it should be about.  I still don't!!  So i'm gonna blog about my life, past, present and future.  Boring?  Yes, probably, but aren't we all interested in what goes on behind the curtains of someone elses life?  For whatever reason, we are programmed as human beings to live our life based on the lives of everyone else.  Still keeping up?  Not for long.....

My name is Joanne, I am a Mum, first and foremost, a wife and somewhere deep down a messed up individual looking for what my life actually is and where it is headed.  I'm convinced this is what the world is.  A bunch of crazy fucked up individuals winging it! or is that just me?

I'm 30 years old and still looking for that special thing that tells me what my life is about.  If someone out there knows, point me in the right direction.  But until this happens.....i'm gonna blog my stuff and try and work this thing out on my own.